Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Night to Day: Matte Painting

To begin my process I first removed the sky from the original background. I did this by using the color range on the sky and after that applied a refine edge for a better selection. Then I placed my selection in a layer mask. Next step was to remove the people and tent. The spot healing brush was used to accomplish the removal of the unnecessary items. While doing the spot healing process some of the railings from the building were taken away, to get back these railings the clone stamp was used with a soft brush. For the remaining development of turning this building into a night scene, adjustment layers were the basic fundamentals. Working with the building, first adjustment layer I used was the brightness to really bring down the shadows. Next was the levels and this brought out some of the mid-tones back into the image. I slightly applied some curve to the image to gather some more darkness. One major adjustment layer was the hue/saturation. This brought out more of the dark tan colors in the building and the green in grass. Lastly the photo filter was used to add a slight shade of violet over the image. Now working the sky was my next goal. I added brightness/contrast, exposure, and color balance were the adjustment layers I used to get a fitting picture to match the building and its lighting. Also I duplicated the moon to add to another layer where overlay blending mode was used.    


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