Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blending Colors with Brushes

For our assignment we had to properly blend colors by using only the brush tool. To start a quick tip is to use the magic wand on an empty shape to color in. This is useful because when the marquee appears around that shape and you start paint it will allow for you to stay within that marquee line. I first approached the rectangle and begin working with a hard surface brush. A quick way to obtain a color is to us the eyedropper tool. So I jump around and still with the hard brush I paint the top, bottom, and couple of strokes in between those to get a rough of what colors I’m going to blending into. After that I switch over to a soft brush and start painting in between those strokes. The blending still wasn’t done and I went back a third time, still with a soft surfaced brush but this with the opacity and flow turned down to around 85%. This took care of any eye catching color transitions that didn’t look right. That would finish my blending for this rectangle shape. Next and for me the more difficult shape was the circle. I approached this the same way as the rectangle but I soon realized this was not going to work. To solve one my problems I applied the rulers’ tool so that I can bring the guides out. The guides allowed me to divide the circle into sections and help me blend and gather colors. Again I started with the hard brush to color inside the inner circle. That’s the end of hard brush because it didn’t appropriately for the rest of the blending. Now the soft brush was my main tool and I went back and forth, painting this circle trying to get all the colors and to blend properly. Even with the opacity and flow lowered I did not like the blending that was done. Although very minor the change I did to help get the blending I wanted was to make the brush size bigger. This helped and in the end I achieved an accurately close blend of colors.

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