Saturday, July 14, 2012

Final Project: Mood Painting

This is my matte painting. Here I present a realistic apocalyptic hide out. The scenerio was turned into a bloody battle where defense is been taken near this house. A lot of painting and blending modes and layer styles were applied using this. Trail and error occured first as i tried to change the sky into something different. When using a channeled layer to try to removed did not work
successfully. With that done not working I decided to work with the lighted sky I had and added a sun shine come it going through the gaps between the trees. A brush set to dissolve was used then fiitered with a radius blur. To make lighting real on the painting I brightened the side of the house where was hit along with the rocks and made the other side darker. Painting on the rocks was done were I added extra green for agedness and blood for décor. The hole in the house was also done as a it was it an extra exit out to defend the lines. After painting the hole I added a layer style to make it pop out more. And extra cracks, stains, and blood were added to the house for more décor. The wall you see at the front is a barrier to hold of trespassers for a while. I painted more stains and blood on this barrier. Many adjustment layers were used to get a decent looking scene.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Texture Maps

original picture from cgtexture
Creating textures can be done in a Photoshop best done using high resolution pictures. To find high resolution pictures is a good place to start. For my texture I chose a rough rock texture and began to alter it in Photoshop. To begin my first step was to offset my picture so it the pattern would continue when modeled. Then I began doing small changes like the color by laying a light color of brown and adding a soft light blending layer. From there many adjustment layers where added. I also added depth in between the top where the crack divides the rock. After I adjusted the color of the rock I then started to paint over it. Different brushes like a splatter brush were used to paint blood. To make the splatter look so unoriginal I erased some away. Many different tones like grey and dark brown were painted to the rock to make it look aged. Many different blending layers where used like lighten, lighten color, subtract, and saturation were used on all different paint layers. This was now finished and was my foundation for a texture that was now going to be put into a program called Crazy Bump to get different texture maps.  
normal map: based off lighting detal to show depth.
specular map: highlightsm what makes the object shine 

diffuse map: color map and basic texture

Monday, July 2, 2012

Beach: People Removal

Removing people from a image can be pretty easy once you get to know Photoshop and understands its tools. For this assignment we had to take a photo and remove them by using a mainly the spot healing brush. Once you have this tool there are a few optional like content-aware and proximity match. The main option to remove an object would be to use spot healing brush with content-aware on. After you get your removed piece you can then switch to proximity match to start to blend the piece and make it look like nothing was there at all. If that doesn’t work you can also use the clone stamp tool. In the image of the beach I removed plenty of people from the handful of people in the picture. The only issue I had was trying to remove the people near the net. The volley ball net came out blurry but it was I wanted to try anyway to see if I could do it. See if you can spot the people that I removed.