Monday, July 2, 2012

Beach: People Removal

Removing people from a image can be pretty easy once you get to know Photoshop and understands its tools. For this assignment we had to take a photo and remove them by using a mainly the spot healing brush. Once you have this tool there are a few optional like content-aware and proximity match. The main option to remove an object would be to use spot healing brush with content-aware on. After you get your removed piece you can then switch to proximity match to start to blend the piece and make it look like nothing was there at all. If that doesn’t work you can also use the clone stamp tool. In the image of the beach I removed plenty of people from the handful of people in the picture. The only issue I had was trying to remove the people near the net. The volley ball net came out blurry but it was I wanted to try anyway to see if I could do it. See if you can spot the people that I removed.

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