Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Here is a collage I have made for my Game Design II class. We were to find a poem or haiku and create an inspirational piece from it. After finding a haiku that I liked it was now time to put a picture to it. With the haiku that I picked I wanted to go for twilight zone feel, almost calm but eerie. The next step was to find an image which was done on flicker.com. The background, communication tower, flat line, hand print, space ship, and the silhouette of the house are all separate images that have had selections removed them. The selections tools I used were the magic wand along with quick selection. For the communication tower I took a different approach and used the color range to remove the background and leave the tower by its self along with the grassland. Almost all of these selections were put into mask layers. Also I used some adjustment layers to balance out the picture. And for the flat line and hand print different blending modes were applied to fit the whole image. These were the main steps I used to create my collage.

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