Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Research and Development 1

This video was helpful for showing some really good ways to select and remove items but also by doing it in non-destructive way. I really liked his first example were he used the Blending Options from the Layer Styles to combine two images to make one. Although it was unconventional I appreciate that he still showed this because it can always come in handy for later work. Another technique to remove selections that I was not aware of was the Color Range. Color Range is similar to the Magic Wand tool but with slightly more control over the tolerance of pixels/colors that would be selected. By using the Color Range you can get rid of some difficult backgrounds and have them replaced. The most important technique to be taken away from this video is the Mask tool. By always making selections into a Mask you can achieve a non-destructive work flow, plus can do more with the Mask tool. Refine Mask is also important for improving your selections which include contrast, radius, and shift edge, etc. These were the main topics that had been discussed in the video along with some key boards short cut to these tools. One final thing that I took note on was his progress of work. He says and I believe to find true is to start by making a rough selections and improving upon that step by step to get a better selection, instead of trying to take care of the situation in one huge step. All of these techniques will be used on my assignment for class were I will make a collage inspired by a poem.     

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